
18 05, 2011

Sun protection with home window tinting

By |2011-05-18T15:30:26-06:00May 18th, 2011|Categories: Commercial Window Film, Home Window Tinting, Residential Window Film, Window Tinting|Tags: , , , , |

Ever ask the question - is window tinting for your home? Most people are familiar with car tinting but it is not the same.  Many architectural films are designed to be applied to double pane and low-e glass. Be sure your dealer is installing a film safe for your glass. Most auto films are not [...]

14 02, 2011

Scott Boettcher | Veteran Tinting & Blinds | Surprise AZ

By |2011-02-14T11:35:27-06:00February 14th, 2011|Categories: Commercial Window Film, Videos|Tags: , , , , , |

Scott shows you the process of window tinting from his recent job for State Farm Insurance. Total windows to be tinted were 47. Here you can clearly see the difference between a tinted and non tinted window. Scott also explains the huge benefits of having your windows tinted. Call Scott at 623-570-5585 for more info.

10 02, 2011

Entrepreneurial Revolution-Scott Boettcher

By |2017-02-13T22:30:09-06:00February 10th, 2011|Categories: Automotive Window Tinting, Commercial Window Film, Home Window Tinting, Videos|Tags: , , , , , , , |

The Entrepreneurial Revolution is for the business person who wants 2011 to be a break-out year in terms of success and growth. Scott Boettcher is just such a business person! Scott is a transplant from the Twin Cities to Arizona's Valley of the Sun. He has been in the window tint industry for 22 years [...]

10 02, 2011

Veteran Tinting and Blinds Ribbon Cutting Event – Scott Boettcher

By |2011-02-10T13:28:00-06:00February 10th, 2011|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , , , , |

Scott Boettcher of Veteran Tinting & Blinds Ribbon Cutting Event. Hosted by Vania Ochoa of Comfort Inn & Suites. The ribbon cutting was a huge success. Over 96 guest showed up for Scott's Ribbon Cutting. Diplomats from the Surprise Regional Chamber of Commerce were on hand to provide support and promote their members events.

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